The German packaging law

The German packaging law

The Packaging Act (2019) makes it the responsibility of retailers to participate in the recycling of their product packaging.

Who is the law for?

In short: producers, traders and online retailers who sell products that arrive at the end customer in sales packaging.

Why at all?

Companies must take even greater care of the disposal and recycling of their packaging in Germany that they bring into circulation here. (Packaging is: plastic, cardboard, paper and glass)

Obligation to register with the packaging register (LUCID)!

This is a contract for the disposal of your used packaging. In addition, the Packaging Act is intended to create a transparent overview of all registered initial distributors.

With the help of higher market transparency, new consumer obligations, extensive information measures and incentives for the ecological design of participation fees, the Packaging Act motivates participants along the recycling cycle to contribute with their behaviour directly or indirectly to the fulfilment of recycling targets in Germany. However, manufacturers of packaging that has not (yet) been filled are not included in the registration obligation, as they are not subject to the system participation obligation and are therefore not relevant for the data reconciliation of the central body (changed in 2022).

What applies since 2022?

From 01.07.2022, the extended registration obligation applies to initial distributors of packaging that is not filled with goods and does not accrue at the private end consumer. The registration obligation will then apply to so-called "packaging not subject to system participation". In future, distributors of these types of packaging must also register in the LUCID portal, but the obligation to acquire a packaging licence does not apply here.

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